Online Leads

How to Follow up with Online Leads

November 24, 20222 min read

Congrats! You generated a lead, now what?

I’m going to tell you how to follow up with online leads and get them to do business with you. This is the most important part of your sales funnel. If you don’t have this step in place, you are wasting time and money.

You can use tools like MailChimp, AWeber, Hubspot or LeadTalk to automate email marketing campaigns. But if you want to go above and beyond that, then you need to be using an autoresponder service.

Autoresponders allow you to set up automated emails to send out after someone subscribes to your list. They’re great for following up with new subscribers, but they also help you keep in touch with past customers.

Tips on how to send a follow-up email

1. Personalized Messages

If you send generic messages, you won’t stand out from the crowd.

Personalized messages make your message more likely to stick in their mind.

Make sure to include links to your products and services so that they can learn more about you.

When you personalize your messages, you will increase the chances of getting a response.

2. Use templates when possible.

A good example of a template would be something like “Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I hope you found it helpful. Here are a few things you might find useful.”

This type of message is easy to write and doesn’t require much thought.

It makes it easier for prospects to open your emails because they know exactly what you’ll say next.

3. Schedule automatic emails.

Sending emails at regular intervals helps people feel as though they are being followed up with regularly. This will help them trust you more.

4. Send emails within 24 hours of receiving a reply.

Don’t wait too long to respond to any replies. When someone has taken the time to contact you, they expect a quick response.

5. Make sure you always add value.

People appreciate hearing about other ways they could benefit from your product or service. Make sure to mention these benefits in your emails.

6. Always provide a way for people to contact you.

Always leave a phone number, address or website where people can reach you.

8. Be consistent.

Follow-up emails should be sent every week or two weeks.

Your goal shouldn’t necessarily be to convince them to buy, but rather to be there when they’re ready to buy. This type of reliability bodes well for your brand and makes those leads feel respected and valued. What better way to cultivate your customer base than that?

If you want to learn more about how to follow up and nurture your sales leads, we recommend having a free strategy call with us. Contact us here or make sure you add your listing to Discover Local for free here.

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Online Leads

How to Follow up with Online Leads

November 24, 20222 min read

Congrats! You generated a lead, now what?

I’m going to tell you how to follow up with online leads and get them to do business with you. This is the most important part of your sales funnel. If you don’t have this step in place, you are wasting time and money.

You can use tools like MailChimp, AWeber, Hubspot or LeadTalk to automate email marketing campaigns. But if you want to go above and beyond that, then you need to be using an autoresponder service.

Autoresponders allow you to set up automated emails to send out after someone subscribes to your list. They’re great for following up with new subscribers, but they also help you keep in touch with past customers.

Tips on how to send a follow-up email

1. Personalized Messages

If you send generic messages, you won’t stand out from the crowd.

Personalized messages make your message more likely to stick in their mind.

Make sure to include links to your products and services so that they can learn more about you.

When you personalize your messages, you will increase the chances of getting a response.

2. Use templates when possible.

A good example of a template would be something like “Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I hope you found it helpful. Here are a few things you might find useful.”

This type of message is easy to write and doesn’t require much thought.

It makes it easier for prospects to open your emails because they know exactly what you’ll say next.

3. Schedule automatic emails.

Sending emails at regular intervals helps people feel as though they are being followed up with regularly. This will help them trust you more.

4. Send emails within 24 hours of receiving a reply.

Don’t wait too long to respond to any replies. When someone has taken the time to contact you, they expect a quick response.

5. Make sure you always add value.

People appreciate hearing about other ways they could benefit from your product or service. Make sure to mention these benefits in your emails.

6. Always provide a way for people to contact you.

Always leave a phone number, address or website where people can reach you.

8. Be consistent.

Follow-up emails should be sent every week or two weeks.

Your goal shouldn’t necessarily be to convince them to buy, but rather to be there when they’re ready to buy. This type of reliability bodes well for your brand and makes those leads feel respected and valued. What better way to cultivate your customer base than that?

If you want to learn more about how to follow up and nurture your sales leads, we recommend having a free strategy call with us. Contact us here or make sure you add your listing to Discover Local for free here.

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