Turn Lead

How to Turn a Lead into a Sale

December 07, 20226 min read

You’ve got the lead but what’s next?

Like most salespeople, you’ve probably been asked this question at some point in your career: “What do I need to do with my leads to turn them into sales?”

The answer is actually pretty simple. But it requires you to make one crucial assumption about your prospects before you start your journey.

You see, there are two types of people who will buy from you – those who want to buy right away and those who don’t.

There are three main reasons why someone would be interested in buying from YOU:

1) They have a problem they need to solve.

2) They know exactly what they want and they just need you to help them find it.

3) They have no idea what they want but they’re open to new ideas.

There are also three main reasons why someone wouldn’t be interested in buying from YOU:

1) They aren’t looking for anything specific.

2) They don’t really care if they buy or not.

3) They don’t trust you enough to spend money on something they haven’t tried yet.

So how can you tell which type of person you’re dealing with?

The first thing you should look for is their level of interest.

If they seem genuinely interested in what you’re offering, then chances are they’ll be willing to pay for it.

If they don’t show any signs of being interested, then you might want to consider whether you’re talking to the right person or not.

Next, ask yourself these questions:

“Do they know what they want?”

“Are they ready to buy?”

“Can they afford it?”

If the answers to all three of these questions are yes, then you’ve got a good chance of closing the deal.

But if any of them are no’s, then you may want to re-evaluate your approach.

Here are 10 things you can do to ensure that every single prospect you talk to becomes a customer:

1) Make sure they understand the value of what you offer

This means making sure they understand the benefits of using your product or service over other options available to them.

It also means explaining how your product or service solves its problems better than anyone else could.

2) Ask them to imagine themselves as buyers

When you talk to someone, try to picture yourself in their shoes.

What would you like to get out of the conversation? How much time do you have to decide?

Would you rather go through a long process of research and comparison shopping? Or would you prefer to jump straight into buying?

3) Get them excited about your solution

People love solutions.

When we think about our needs, we tend to focus on the pain points.

We worry about the problems we face and the obstacles standing between us and getting what we want.

We rarely stop to think about the positive aspects of life.

So when you’re trying to sell your product or service, you need to remind your audience of the benefits.

4) Give them an easy way to buy

The best salespeople give their customers everything they need to close the sale.

This includes providing them with a clear call to action (CTA), pricing information, payment methods, delivery details, etc.

In fact, some studies suggest that the CTA is more important than the price.

And here’s another interesting statistic:

According to a study by HubSpot, only 1% of people who visit a website will make a purchase without clicking on at least one link.

That means that 99% of people won’t even bother visiting your site unless there’s a compelling reason to do so.

So if you want to turn leads into sales, you need to provide your prospects with a clear path to follow.

You can use CTAs in different ways. For example, you can include a button that says “Buy Now” or “Get Started.”

You can also create a pop-up window that appears after someone visits your landing page.

It can contain a form that asks for contact information, or it can simply say “Click Here To Buy.”

Whatever you choose, just make sure that it’s consistent across all pages.

5) Create a sense of urgency

There’s nothing worse than waiting around for something to happen.

And yet, this is exactly what many businesses do.

They wait until a lead comes along before they start working on converting it into a sale.

Instead, you should be thinking about how you can help your prospects move forward as quickly as possible.

For example, you could send out regular emails reminding them of your existence. You could set up autoresponders that automatically send messages to new contacts once they sign up for your newsletter.

Or you could add a countdown timer to your homepage that shows how much longer they have to act.

6) Use social proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for convincing others to take action.

If you see other people doing something, chances are you’ll feel inclined to imitate them.

That’s why testimonials from happy clients work so well.

When you show potential buyers that other people are already using your product, it gives them confidence in your offering.

7) Make it personal

People like talking about themselves.

This is especially true when it comes to buying products and services.

So rather than making cold calls or sending generic emails, try writing personalized letters instead.

Personalized letters are great because they allow you to talk directly to your customer.

They also make it easy for you to share stories about yourself and your company.

8) Be specific

The worst thing you can do is come off as too general.

Your goal is to convince your audience to buy from you.

But if you sound like you’re selling anything and everything, you run the risk of coming off as disingenuous.

Instead, focus on being specific.

Talk about the benefits of your product, the features of your service, or the results that your customers can expect.

9) Provide a freebie

Freebies are incredibly effective.

In fact, one study found that people who receive a free sample tend to spend more money with the company than those who didn’t.

Why? Because they know that they won’t pay full price for the product.

10) Offer a discount

Discounts are another way to increase sales.

But unlike free samples, discounts aren’t always offered to everyone. Instead, only

In fact, according to research conducted by The NPD Group, 65% of consumers would consider purchasing a product after receiving a promotional email.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to turn leads into sales.

And while some of these tactics may seem obvious, most business owners don’t use them.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 proven strategies for turning leads into sales.

We hope you find them useful!

Want More Leads & Sales Tips?

We recommend having a free strategy call with us. Contact us here or make sure you add your listing to Discover Local for free here.

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Turn Lead

How to Turn a Lead into a Sale

December 07, 20226 min read

You’ve got the lead but what’s next?

Like most salespeople, you’ve probably been asked this question at some point in your career: “What do I need to do with my leads to turn them into sales?”

The answer is actually pretty simple. But it requires you to make one crucial assumption about your prospects before you start your journey.

You see, there are two types of people who will buy from you – those who want to buy right away and those who don’t.

There are three main reasons why someone would be interested in buying from YOU:

1) They have a problem they need to solve.

2) They know exactly what they want and they just need you to help them find it.

3) They have no idea what they want but they’re open to new ideas.

There are also three main reasons why someone wouldn’t be interested in buying from YOU:

1) They aren’t looking for anything specific.

2) They don’t really care if they buy or not.

3) They don’t trust you enough to spend money on something they haven’t tried yet.

So how can you tell which type of person you’re dealing with?

The first thing you should look for is their level of interest.

If they seem genuinely interested in what you’re offering, then chances are they’ll be willing to pay for it.

If they don’t show any signs of being interested, then you might want to consider whether you’re talking to the right person or not.

Next, ask yourself these questions:

“Do they know what they want?”

“Are they ready to buy?”

“Can they afford it?”

If the answers to all three of these questions are yes, then you’ve got a good chance of closing the deal.

But if any of them are no’s, then you may want to re-evaluate your approach.

Here are 10 things you can do to ensure that every single prospect you talk to becomes a customer:

1) Make sure they understand the value of what you offer

This means making sure they understand the benefits of using your product or service over other options available to them.

It also means explaining how your product or service solves its problems better than anyone else could.

2) Ask them to imagine themselves as buyers

When you talk to someone, try to picture yourself in their shoes.

What would you like to get out of the conversation? How much time do you have to decide?

Would you rather go through a long process of research and comparison shopping? Or would you prefer to jump straight into buying?

3) Get them excited about your solution

People love solutions.

When we think about our needs, we tend to focus on the pain points.

We worry about the problems we face and the obstacles standing between us and getting what we want.

We rarely stop to think about the positive aspects of life.

So when you’re trying to sell your product or service, you need to remind your audience of the benefits.

4) Give them an easy way to buy

The best salespeople give their customers everything they need to close the sale.

This includes providing them with a clear call to action (CTA), pricing information, payment methods, delivery details, etc.

In fact, some studies suggest that the CTA is more important than the price.

And here’s another interesting statistic:

According to a study by HubSpot, only 1% of people who visit a website will make a purchase without clicking on at least one link.

That means that 99% of people won’t even bother visiting your site unless there’s a compelling reason to do so.

So if you want to turn leads into sales, you need to provide your prospects with a clear path to follow.

You can use CTAs in different ways. For example, you can include a button that says “Buy Now” or “Get Started.”

You can also create a pop-up window that appears after someone visits your landing page.

It can contain a form that asks for contact information, or it can simply say “Click Here To Buy.”

Whatever you choose, just make sure that it’s consistent across all pages.

5) Create a sense of urgency

There’s nothing worse than waiting around for something to happen.

And yet, this is exactly what many businesses do.

They wait until a lead comes along before they start working on converting it into a sale.

Instead, you should be thinking about how you can help your prospects move forward as quickly as possible.

For example, you could send out regular emails reminding them of your existence. You could set up autoresponders that automatically send messages to new contacts once they sign up for your newsletter.

Or you could add a countdown timer to your homepage that shows how much longer they have to act.

6) Use social proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for convincing others to take action.

If you see other people doing something, chances are you’ll feel inclined to imitate them.

That’s why testimonials from happy clients work so well.

When you show potential buyers that other people are already using your product, it gives them confidence in your offering.

7) Make it personal

People like talking about themselves.

This is especially true when it comes to buying products and services.

So rather than making cold calls or sending generic emails, try writing personalized letters instead.

Personalized letters are great because they allow you to talk directly to your customer.

They also make it easy for you to share stories about yourself and your company.

8) Be specific

The worst thing you can do is come off as too general.

Your goal is to convince your audience to buy from you.

But if you sound like you’re selling anything and everything, you run the risk of coming off as disingenuous.

Instead, focus on being specific.

Talk about the benefits of your product, the features of your service, or the results that your customers can expect.

9) Provide a freebie

Freebies are incredibly effective.

In fact, one study found that people who receive a free sample tend to spend more money with the company than those who didn’t.

Why? Because they know that they won’t pay full price for the product.

10) Offer a discount

Discounts are another way to increase sales.

But unlike free samples, discounts aren’t always offered to everyone. Instead, only

In fact, according to research conducted by The NPD Group, 65% of consumers would consider purchasing a product after receiving a promotional email.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to turn leads into sales.

And while some of these tactics may seem obvious, most business owners don’t use them.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 proven strategies for turning leads into sales.

We hope you find them useful!

Want More Leads & Sales Tips?

We recommend having a free strategy call with us. Contact us here or make sure you add your listing to Discover Local for free here.

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